What Exactly Does a Pool Inspection Cover?

HomeBlogWhat Exactly Does a Pool Inspection Cover?

A pool inspection uncovers issues under the surface, so your pool experience is safe, enjoyable, and up to standard. So, what exactly does a pool inspection cover? Let’s dive in.

What Exactly Does a Pool Inspection Cover?

  • Safety. Our inspectors look at the electrical systems to ensure wires are safe from the water and check walkways for slip hazards. We also inspect fencing and gates to ensure they’re secure and of the required height, making it more difficult for kids or pets to access the pool unattended​​.
  • The Pool’s Interior. The inspection doesn’t just skim the surface. Whether your pool has a vinyl liner or plaster finish, inspectors scrutinize it for tears or cracks that could escalate into bigger issues. Tiles and the pool’s coping (the edge around the pool) are also checked for damage that could pose safety risks​​.
  • Lighting and Decking. Pool lights are checked for functionality and safety, including inspecting for condensation that could lead to mold. We evaluate the pool deck for damage, proper drainage, and potential tripping hazards​​.
  • Water Works. Our inspectors ensure the pump functions correctly, the filter is professionally installed and working, and, if present, the heater is the right size and operational​​.
  • Added Features. If your pool comes with accessories like diving boards or slides, we identify any safety concerns, such as rust or deterioration. Modern pools with automation and remote control features are also tested to see if they function as they should​​.

A pool inspection safeguards your family and keeps your pool area a source of joy and relaxation. So, before you jump in this summer, consider a comprehensive pool inspection. Take a small step for safety that can make a big splash in your pool enjoyment and call us today to schedule an inspection.